New Year's Eve Cruises 2025 All Inclusive in Prague

Go on a Prague steamer on New Year's Eve and you will experience something completely unconventional! If you are tired of the mainland, parties with friends or the New Year's Eve TV program, try our option.

A stocked beverage bar, a rich New Year's menu and relaxing music will accompany the ride on the boat.

New Year's Eve program in Prague - live music and fireworks at midnight, the boat will anchor in the middle of the river near the Charles Bridge, from the boat you will have a nice view of the illuminated festive Prague, and you will be able to tap and welcome the New Year.

Sailing times: 31. December
from 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22:30 h
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New Year's Eve cruises with DELUXE ALL INCLUSIVE dinner

Included in all cruises:

  • great party
  • aperitiv + unlimited consumption of drinks - beer, draft wine, soft drinks, coffee, tea (only ALL INCLUSIVE)
  • live music - saxophonist pop rock hits
  • perfectly heated covered deck + can go outside to the terraces
  • embarkation / departure wharf Na Františku

Cruise with live music 5.5 h

Additionally included in the cruise:

  • midnight anchoring at the Charles Bridge - shared toast and view of the fireworks
  • sparkling wine at midnight
  • welcoming the New Year 2026 - toast, New Year's Eve fireworks
Cruise length: 5.5 h
Sailing time: 20:00 - 01:30 h
Price: CZK 5,750 / 230 € (drinks for purchase)
CZK 6,900 / 276 € ALL INCLUSIVE (unlimited consumption of selected drinks)

Cruise with live music 3 h

Additionally included in the cruise:

  • midnight anchoring at the Charles Bridge - shared toast and view of the fireworks
  • sparkling wine at midnight
  • welcoming the New Year 2026 - toast, New Year's Eve fireworks
Cruise length: 3 h
Sailing time: 22:30 - 01:30 h
Price: CZK 4,500 / 180 € (drinks for purchase)
CZK 5,250 / 210 € ALL INCLUSIVE (unlimited consumption of selected drinks)

Cruise with live music 2 h

Cruise length: 2 h
Sailing time: 20:00 - 22:00 h
Price: CZK 3,000 / 120 € (drinks for purchase)
CZK 3,500 / 140 € ALL INCLUSIVE (unlimited consumption of selected drinks)

New Year's Eve evening cruise with dinner and music

  • excellent buffet (hot, cold, sweet, fruit, vegetables)
  • aperitif on arrival, other drinks available for purchase
  • pleasant live music
  • perfectly heated covered deck + can go outside to the terraces
  • embarkation / departure wharf Na Františku
  • additional drinks available for purchase

Cruise length: 2 h
Sailing time: 18:00 - 20:00 h
Adult price: CZK 2,500 / 100 €
Price for children 4 - 9 years: CZK 1,500 / 60 €

New Year's Eve lunch afternoon cruise

  • perfectly heated deck + possibility to go to the terrace
  • aperitif on arrival, other drinks available for purchase
  • excellent buffet (hot, cold, sweet, fruit, vegetables)
  • Lunch and afternoon cruise at Charles Bridge
  • embarkation / departure wharf Na Františku

Cruise length: 2 h
Časy plavby: 12:00 - 14:00 h
13:00 - 15:00 h
Adult price: CZK 1,300 / 52 €
Price for children 4 - 9 years: CZK 750 / 30 €

New Year's Eve one-hour cruise

  • perfectly heated deck + possibility to go to the terrace
  • cruising in the center near the main sights
  • refreshments available for purchase
  • embarkation / departure wharf Na Františku

Cruise length: 1 h
Sailing times: 12:00 - 13:00 h
13:00 - 14:00 h
14:00 - 15:00 h
15:00 - 16:00 h
16:00 - 17:00 h
Adult price: CZK 450 / 18 €
Price for children 4 - 9 years: CZK 225 / 9 €


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